Dave Eby the clear choice in Point Grey
May 13, 2013 in Opinion
The other day, a friend of mine who lives in Vancouver Point Grey said he was conflicted about who to vote for in the provincial election. I don’t live there, but if I did, the choice would be clear. I have met Christy Clark, and she is certainly personable enough, but NDP challenger David Eby stands head and shoulders above her, literally and figuratively. Dave is smart, principled and hard-working. He has entered politics to further his burning desire to make a positive difference in real people’s lives. There is no doubt in my mind that David Eby will be a better member of the Legislative Assembly than Ms. Clark has ever been, and, if given the chance, will make sound decisions that will be best for everyone, whether they reside in the poorest or the wealthiest neighborhoods of this province. A vote for David Eby will not be wasted and will never be regretted.
posted by Cameron Ward