Guantanamo Bay – Action needed now!
October 11, 2003 in Opinion
More than 600 people are being detained indefinitely without charge at “Gitmo”, an American military base located in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They were apprehended in Afghanistan in late 2001 or early 2002 by coalition troops fighting the “War on Terror”. They have been denied access to lawyers, consular officials and family members. Twenty-one have attempted to commit suicide.
The continued detention of this group of people, which includes citizens of Great Britain, Australia and Canada, is a gross violation of fundamental human rights and international law. It is appalling and more than a little ironic that the perpetrator of this abuse is the self-proclaimed bastion of liberty and justice, the United States of America.
To take action, call, write or e-mail the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. The Hon. Bill Graham can be reached at 613-992-5234 (tel.), 613-996-9607 (fax) or graham.b@parl.gc.ca (e-mail).
posted by Cameron Ward