Berg Inquest announced: media reports
February 10, 2004 in News
Vancouver Radio station CKNW has reported that a Coroner’s Inquest will soon be held into the death of Jeff Berg, who died October 24, 2000 after being arrested by Vancouver police Constable David Bruce-Thomas. This news comes after Berg family counsel Cameron Ward wrote to Attorney General Geoff Plant on February 6, 2004, demanding that he order that an Inquest be held.
The CKNW story:
VANCOUVER (CKNW/AM980) — More than three years ago Jeff Berg died during his arrest by Vancouver Police in an eastside alley. Today, Vancouver coroner Stephen Fonseca announced an inquest will be held. Fonseca says no date for the inquest has yet been set because he is still trying to bring all the witnesses and lawyers together. But he’s hoping to have it done before the Police Complaints public hearing in June.
Chief Coroner Terry P. Smith, in a letter mistakenly dated Novemvber 19, 2004 and received by us on February 23, 2004, has responded to our letter to Mr. Plant. Mr. Smith indicated that the Coroner “intends to proceed with an inquest at the earliest opportunity”.
As of February 26, 2004, we still have not received formal confirmation of the inquest date, although Coroner Stephen Fonseca has indicated that it may be held starting October 4, 2004.
The Berg family is distressed by the extraordinary delay in getting this matter before a Coroner’s jury and we have written the Coroner to request an earlier date.
posted by Cameron Ward