The Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee (VANOC) has come out swinging again over alleged infringement of its trademark rights. Having failed to dissuade the Olympia Pizza and Souvlakia House on Denman Street from using a rings and torch logo, VANOC has set its sights on an opponent closer to its own size: petroleum giant Imperial Oil Limited. It seems that Esso has an advertising campaign promoting Canada’s hockey teams and offering prizes of trips to Torino. Although no mention is made of the Olympic Games, VANOC is apparently concerned that some folks might infer that Esso is an Olympic sponsor, when in fact only Petro-Canada can claim that distinction.

It might be fun watching these two heavyweights slug it out in court, if only VANOC wasn’t spending our tax dollars on the fight.

Check out Olympia’s website at

There’s also a fuss about this:
