
Opponents of the B.C. Government’s plan to build a multiple lane highway through the unique ecosystems above Horseshoe Bay have squared off in B.C. Supreme Court against the government, the P3 partnership and the construction contractor.

The court proceedings were triggered by the contractor’s legal action against Dennis Perry, Bruce McArthur, John Doe and Jane Doe. The contractor, Peter Kiewit Sons Co., is seeking an injunction against all those who have been camped out in the area of the Bluffs in a peaceful demonstration designed to express their opposition to the government’s plan. The demonstrators’ non-profit society has responded with a legal action of its own alleging that environmental considerations have not been adequately taken into account. It too seeks an injunction, to shut down the work until all applicable environmental protection rules have been followed.

Mr. Justice William Grist has heard from lawyers for both sides on May 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11th, 2006. The hearing continues at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May 12th with more legal argument.

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