MWCI: “Pickton inquiry gives cold shoulder to key witness”
February 13, 2012 in Missing Women Commision of Inquiry, News

Bill Hiscox: Brian Hutchinson photo
Bill Hiscox attended the Commission’s hearings last week. Here is some of what Brian Hutchinson of the National Post had to say about his visit:
“Despite all that he knew, despite his efforts to assist police during their tragically flawed investigation of serial killer Robert “Willie” Pickton, despite his willingness to answer any question put to him now, in the long-overdue search for the truth, Bill Hiscox will not be heard at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry.
He’s not on the inquiry’s private list of potential witnesses. He’s been cast aside again, and he can’t understand why.
He says he’s still available, should the inquiry ever wish to hear from him. It was two months ago that lawyer Cameron Ward requested that Mr. Hiscox be added to the witness list, along with Pickton’s brother David, who lived on the family farm while murders were being committed there. While Mr. Oppal has not ruled on the requests, a senior inquiry source says they will be rejected. The commissioner is not obliged to explain his decisions to the public, for whom the inquiry was called.”
To repeat, the National Post reports today that ” a senior inquiry source says [our application for more witnesses] will be rejected”. Really? Is “a senior inquiry source” advising the media of the disposition of our formal application before the Commission tells us what it has decided?
posted by Cameron Ward